Tuesday, October 6, 2015

10/6/15  Tuesday

Beautiful morning. Lots of our new sailing acquaintances up early preparing to leave Port Washington. Us, too. Now at nearly 2200 (10 PM) we and Amelia are totally whipped.

79th Street Boat Basin has lapping water. Makes me a little nervous to hear it lapping, streaming by the hull. Am I sure the boat isn't leaking? Check. Safe. All's well.

We came through the East River, including Hell Gate, with no problems. Not nearly as scary as my imagination. The river is so very narrow on the chart but is really wide, really. David planned so very carefully when we should hit the tides to make the trip safe and comfortable. Not too much river traffic either.

So many sights. Met Diana and David for early dinner and short visit. Grocery shopping, showers, and call to friends at home. Tired. More tomorrow.

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