Sunday, October 18, 2015

10/18/15 Sunday

Left the anchorage around 12:30 this afternoon after untangling our TWO anchors from each other. Easy 1/2 mile to our overnight marina at Utsch's just at the mouth of the canal. I'd never thought of our boat being diminutive until we were docked next to the 3-story power boats. You can barely pick out our mast with the prayer flags!

Walked/hitch-hiked (and got a ride!) to the food store downtown. However, heard a band before going in so followed the music and ran into the Halloween Parade with everyone in costumes. Big people, little people, beauty queens (really, Miss Cape May!), witches, 3 bands (marching, jazz, and another one). Totally small town wonderful!!!

Local psychic

This young witch queen sneaked a wave at me using one finger near her mouth like a whisper

Clown brass band - they were good
Then a stroll through the "Mall" of little speciality shops where I found a 6 muffin pan and a tea diffuser for cousin, Rick's, special tea from China.

And onto the food store. EXPENSIVE, more so that "the Whole Paycheck" in Portland. Knew we needed a cab to get back to the boat with our pro-vi-sions (aka Radio and "Dick & Jane"). But outside the food store were other sailors - Tim and Carol - waiting for the taxi. We shared. They were on one of the above mentioned 3-story power boats (they were crew delivering to Stuart/Stewart, FL and on to Marathon Island. They invited us over to meet their captain. We went and visited for 45 min or so, exchanged contact info and we will look them up when we get to FL.

Laundry and shower and pizza for dinner. Tomorrow onto Deleware Bay and the C&D Canal.

Whooo Hoooo  And hurry up because it is chilly here tonight. Sleeping bag time.
Friendly devil

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