Monday, October 19, 2015

10/19/15  Monday

Up early and WHERE ARE MY GLOVES??!?!! It is COLD this morning, not cool- COLD. No idea the real temperature but this IS the temps we're trying to avoid. Off we go around 7:30 AM, into the Cape May Canal. The broken down sign in the pic below sayw "slow". It was at the first bridge going into the east end of the canal. We obeyed even though it was a challenge to see the sign.
"slow" sign. Someone hit it hard
On through the canal we were being careful to look out for the departing ferries which we did..... and ran aground. David is an experienced runner agrounder. It may be partly my fault. I have really strong Earth signs in my horoscope. David set some anchors so we weren't pushed further into the sandbar and we waited for the tide to rise, watching several boats pass us by. Finally, our friends from yesterday came by and pulled us off. Many thanks to Black Watch and her captain and crew. Fair winds on their way outside to Norfolk and onto FL. Hoping to see them there.

The remainder of day was lovely - bright, calm seas, wind on our nose (nothing new there), only a few BIG ships to "wake" us. Both David and I took naps while the other was at the helm.

LARGE ship - multi-colored crates
Numerous channel markers were wonderful lighthouse-type architecture.
Of course, they probably were lighthouses before automation.
Pretty barren place to live.
 The nuclear power plant at Salem, Delaware, was a bit foreboding. I'd never seen a cooling tower this close.
Salem, Delaware, power plant
We made GREAT time traveling with the tide today...up to better than 9 knots. Our usual kph is 6-7 so we got into Chesapeake City near 5 PM in spite of our hour delay sitting on the sandbar. Our anchor setting proved to be challenging again tonight. I'm not liking the CQR very much. It just keeps not setting and dragging.

Thinking we'll hand here tomorrow and be tourists. Then head to Annapolis on Wednesday to visit friend, Lynda Fitzgerald, and be tourists again. Give kitty a break from the engine. She's finally figured it out...hide under the bed covers and sleep until the engine stops. Smart kitty.

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