Saturday, October 10, 2015

10/10/15 Saturday, Great Kill, Staten Island, NY

Nearly 7 PM (or 1900 nautical time), trees are silouetted by magenta sunset. Two airplanes are stacked up approaching NYC airports. Gentle breeze, Cool temps. David heads to bed to discourage his scratchy throat from becoming a full blown cold. I DID make him walk alot in the pouring rain yesterday. Amelia was stiring but not sure she will join me on the aft deck.

We're anchored in a really protected basin, similar in size and shape to The Basin in Maine, though this one is much more populated with several marinas and lots of mooring balls, even a launch service. We and another boat are anchored among the balls in about 1 feet of water. To the east is a state park, over a little rise is the beach. We'll probably take a walk there tomorrow...waiting for the wind, again, and for David to get some good rest to discourage that possible cold. I'm hearing voices on the park side of the boat as lots of town/waterfront lights illuminate as the magenta fades to orange and purple/blue. Such beauty! I think David posted a photo on Facebook.

We slipped the NYC mooring aroud 1 PM (1300) today, a little later than we'd planned. What's new?
Must say, much as I love NYC the 4 nights on a mooring in the Hudson leaves MUCH to be desired in terms of comfort. The strong tides and all the traffic on the water kept us rocking and lurching nearly 24 hours with a very few breaks at slack tide.

Easy passage down river.  We passed 3 hugh cruise ships docked. And some amazing architecture on our way out of town.  And while getting ready to leave the fireboats sprayed hugh plumes of red, white, blue water. Oh, a national holiday...indigenous people day.

Fireboats celebrate w/red, white, blue water spray.

at least 3 large cruise ships docked in NY Harbor.

Unfinished but stunning
Lots of traffic around the statue of Liberty - sailboats, ferries, tour boats of all sizes.

Ms. Liberty = What an impressive symbol. I'm thinking we ALL need to reflect on the meaning of this symbol
Saw some other sights on the way to Great Kill and it was an easy, short passage of about 3 hours. Glad to be here. Much more gentle place to "wait on the wind." Sending blessings to share.

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