Monday, October 26, 2015

10/26/15  Monday

We've made it through the Chesapeake! Whoopeeeee! The last of the BIG waters on this journey (I hope). And we're just in from the regular Monday night potluck dinner at the Rebel Marina in/on Willoughby Spit, Norfolk, VA. Locals who live on the spit who have some connection to the marina. As far as I can tell some sail/boat but no one lives aboard. Just buds who have decided to get together every week except during the summer. Too cool AND we got some good information about stores and Dismal Swamp, etc. as well as had delicious HOT food and salade. We contributed, too, but so great to have other choices than my limited ones.

It was a grueling motoring (w/sail assist) day. Roller coaster ride from the moment we left the "creek". Three - 4' waves and winds into the low teens. BUT the wind was off our aft quarter so not nearly as troubling as the NJ coast day when it would have been easy to abandon ship, except that we couldn't. Amelia stayed in bed under the covers for the first 3 hours then came out to complain LOUDLY about our bad treatment. She and I sat together for most of the final 2.5 hours of the trip. She hid her head bumped into my thigh.

One boat "our Dream" left the creek about an hour ahead of us. We hailed them to see how the conditions were. Choppy, they said. However, we thought, tomorrow is predicted to be worse. And, if we don't get out today we won't get out for at least 2 days and probably 3 and then the wind will be on our nose again. So, GO!!

Another sailing vessel lead us for awhile. Then, since he was sailing w/out motor, we outpaced that boat.
Wolf Trap Light w/our sailing leader to our starboard.
BIG waves looking aft from the Pilot House. Hard to get the perspective
I was a tiring day. Didn't feel in danger but hard work just staying on your feet with all the rocking and rolling. A bit as I imagine bronco riding. Spine and knees really working overtime, and arms to hold the helm and the stuff from flying off the chart table. Sometimes the waves turned the boat 45 degrees and laid up over on our ear. Other times we surfed the crest of the wave, making 10 knots then wallowed in the trough at 5 knots.

Really glad to be on a dock for the next two nights. Might get into downtown Norfolk to see my friend, Deb Thorpe. Definitely will get to grocery store and auto store. Feeling proud of our accomplishment to have met two major challenges - NJ coast and Chesapeake Bay. Now for the Dismal Swamp!

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