Sunday, October 25, 2015

10/25/15 the park. Nope. In Jackson Creek which is more a river but short, sort of like the Harraseekett River but not quite as wide. I think you should be able to wade across or jump across any body of water described as a creek. Anyway, a lovely day on the boat that was anchored in Jackson Creek, Deltaville, VA. Since David found a Nauticat in Deltaville (on-line, several years ago) he has had a romance with the town/place. So, here we are. Not much here or to recommend it. But we have found the boat that piqued his interest and it's for sale, a lot cheaper than our boat was BUT with a much deeper it wouldn't do for us. Whew!

I got out of my pj's around noon after talking to several of our anchorage buddies specifically Dan and Wendy who are on a lovely trawler and are from Lunenberg (?), Nova Scotia. Hope to run into them in NC, perhaps. They were heading for Norfolk to day then leaving their boat for a couple of weeks to go home to settle their house and see grand kids. Our Canadian, catamarine buddy, Bruce, also left today for Norfolk. Are we missing something by staying here today???

Anyway, here we are. So we took a dinghy ride over to the Deltaville Marine Museum and Nature Park. Sweet! Some amazing information about a meteorite that helped create Chesapeake Bay...and ruined the water supply in Deltaville. Really! You can't drink the water here. Pepsi supplies it. It is the first place we've asked to refill our water jugs and they gave us bottled water.

Did a lot of cooking today - brownies (thank you Shannon) and rice (thank you Shannon), made lots of spaghetti sauce last eve. We have lots of leftovers and provisions for the next couple of days. Found the NPR station and listened to "Back Story" tonight which talked about the Black Populist Movement in the 1860-1900 and how it was necessary for the "natural aristocracy" to make sure the poor whites and the balcks didn't form a political coalition. Sound familar?!? The same strategy is being used was the case in 1760s, according to the Howard Zinn book I'm reading. I don't know what I'm going to do with this information but it seems important to me. I'm mulling.

Also did a little more thinking about my "identity" challenge. It doesn't deserve the monikar of "identity crisis". No crisis. I'm outside my element and identifiers, the ones I honor...dancer, actor, educator, organizer. I don't have my colleagues in those arenas close at hand. I know they are only a phone call or text message away. However, they are getting along just fine without me. And, I don't have mt creative toys nearby either - my sewing, knitting, collaging materials, dance studio, etc. The concrete contributions I make are still being sused-out, by me. I cook, organize the living space, sometimes clean. Sounds way too gender-based for my ambitions comfort. Sigh. Oh well, maybe tomorrow I'll kill some fruit flies and feel strong and confident and ego-rich.

Full life. Onto Norfolk...tomorrow or next day...depending upon...the wind, direction and strength.

Loving all these opportunities and multiple blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Cooking, cleaning, organizing, and also plotting course, doing all kinds of physical sailing jobs--sounds to me like you are taking advantage of your comparative advantage, using the skills you are best at. To feed the creative hands, ask Shannon to assemble a sewing/knitting/collage box to send you? I can't travel anywhere without my mini paintbox, brushes, small paper, pencils, sewing kit. I forgot all art supplies on one trip this year and ended up drawing a landscape on a piece of paper I saved not knowing why, after the baguette it wrapped was eaten. Then painting the watercolor when I got home. Is there any material for dance story in the ever-changing life on board? I would love to see you dance such a story... You already know how to take good care of yourself. Easier to get in touch with though during the pauses when not being shaken and having to process so much newness every day. One of hardest things for me: ageing reduces my energy budget faster than my expectations of what to accomplish. So, need constant reminders that I'm not a slacker, just slowing down. Lee says to me, you keep forgetting you're 70! Hence my latest mantra: Feel Good About What You've Accomplished Today.
