Friday, October 2, 2015


Another day of fun on the water - NOT! Tedious is how David described the constant wind sound, the rocking, and it is getting cool-to-cold.

David took the water taxi to town for groceries, a walk, off the boat, etc. I stayed and read my formula book, made soup (to heat up the cabin), sewed up the end of the cushion covers. They'd had their tail feathers hanging out for nearly a year, now all neatly tucked in and stiched up.

water taxi
The water taxi reminds me of the Okalahoma song "Surry w/the fringe on the top" except it is a boat rather than a wagon. It runs until 11 PM or until the wind speed reaches 35 knots. Very stable, on-demand little boat w/very pleasant captains. You can sit or hang on to straps in the ceiling, just like the subways in NYC.

Really a low-key day and nearly time for bed.  Our neighbors in the rainy distance.

Rainy, cloudy, windy...that about sums it up. Supposed to be this way tomorrow, too. Well, get those little house/boat projects complete...more safety, comfort and beauty.

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