Friday, October 16, 2015

10/16/15  Friday,  Anchor Watch: a) a meditative practice of sitting on the deck in the sun gazing lovingly at the anchor(s) while breathing deeply; b) serious, analytical watching the news anchors to learn their prejudices in reporting; c) investigating possible ways to stay grounded in this tumultous world; d) keeping a watchful eye on boat at anchor hoping anchor doesn't drag and allow you to"kiss" the boat next door or the shore or float out into the channel or safely (!) out to sea

Okay. "d" is the relevant definition and now I have another boating experience. Oh boy. Another f*#%&@g learning experience. We anchored in beautiful Cape May yesterday afternoon in an anchorage with about 15 other boats, relaxed, dined on the boat, relaxed. Gnarled about a cruising trawler that we thought had anchored too close to us. Relaxed. Then a couple hours after dark noticed the trawler bow looming over our aft deck. YIKES! All hands on deck. "Ahoy! Ahoy! You must be dragging," DAvid said to a different Capt David on the trawler. Well, no. Turns out it was us dragging.

Long story short, we set and re-set our anchor multiple times throughout the night. Up and down with the anchor (CQR?) then the Danforth, slimmy black mud all over deck and humans on board. Kitty didn't help so she stayed clean. She was nervous with all the starting/stopping of the engine and the clanging of anchor chain. Serves her right. Often I felt like the Ghost of Christmas Past with the chains rattling around.

David took the midnight-4 anchor watch while I slept. At 4 AM he was confident the anchor was holding. I wasn't so I took the next watch. At around 6 AM the GPS showed that we were straying out of habitual circling the anchor. Called David who looked at GPS with me. By that time the "offending" trawler was getting ready to leave on their continuing journey. We waited for them to leave before setting TWO of our anchors at angles w/each other. More rattling of chains, more engine running, more mud.

Around 9:30 we determined that the anchors were HOLDING. We'd gone through a tide change with no bad results and the wind was strong. So, with some confidence restored, we've napped off and on all day and David is sleeping now. We had a decent breakfast and an odd but healthy snack around 4:30 and won't rouse ourselves for dinner. Who has the energy? And, I feel filthy - mud, sweat tears but dirty clothes and just grungy. Tomorrow, I'm looking forward to an extended "spit bath" as my auntie Kathleen calls them, some clean clothes and maybe a trip to town in the dinghy. And clean up the cabin clutter of the long night and nervous day on the boat. We expect to be here a couple more days...waiting for the wind. Maybe stay in the marina Sunday night and get a proper hot shower.

This day was sort of a lost one of watching, learning about tides/wind/anchors and how to interpret the GPS track markings, or how WE interpret the GPS track markings...interesting squiggles.

I did finish my John Grisham murder mystery. Who knew I could enjoy murder mysteries?

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