10/24/15 Saturday MOONLIGHT MASQUERADE - dance and costume party is happening NOW and I'm missing it. Go Delta Knights. Go Freeport Players. Go all of you who are celebrating this first community party hosted by Freeport Players and bringing us all together to support our LIVE community theater.
Meanwhile, David and I are in Deltaville - not Margaretaville - VA, officially in the South!. Kitty and I were up at dawn for sun salutes, warriors, and quiet time. I'm realizing I don't have a regular schedule of morning activities and I'm missing that. At home in Freeport kitty and I would make coffee and head for the pond beach for quiet time. So, I'm going to try to make that happen from now on. It might improve my snarky attitude.
Sunrise at Solomons Island harbor |
As I recall today was easy but VERY long - 8+ hours of sail-assisted motoring, a little choppy/rolly this morning, calming to flat, calm in late afternoon. We saw our first pelicans and after entering VA one was sitting on the first navigational buoy, just like cormorants. Are they related? Pelicans are so wierd. So pre-historic. As interesting to me as Great Blue Herons. I missed the photo, though.
Virginia Lighthouse |
We passed this amazing construction site. Look closely. The boat is suspended above the water, a way many boats are stored for winter here and farther south. I've never seen this done in New England. Also, there are 3 portopotties, and the lighthouse is surrounded by construction latticework. And the colors are brilliant.
Boat storage. The pilings suspend the boat above water. Porto-potties to the right of the piling on the right. |
House Repairs. The blue is the boat. Green is lighthouse. |
More water. More waves. More things to look out for and avoid. More navigating. Cloud cover. Sigh. Mind you, I'm not dis-ing boredom. It was just a long day. I did go to the aft deck in the afternoon for some fresh, warm air. Did some plie's and battements and back curves and side stretches. Then sat myself down in the sun and read my book for a bit. David at the helm and kitty under the covers. It was stunningly beautiful and comfortable on the deck. I'm suggesting that we take aft-deck-watches when we've set the course and mo major decisions need to be made. That way both of us get this advantage of fresh air and beauty of open sea.
Blue skies. Lying on the aft deck looking straight up at the mizzen sail. |
As soon as we crossed into Virginia the sun came out. HA! Love that color.
Winds are supposed to increase tomorrow and, wait for it, from the direction we are heading, thus, on our nose. We may choose to stay here for the day/night. David has an attachment here that he says he needs to get out of his system...a woman? a museum? a boat? Deltaville IS a sort of exotic name.
Did not buy ticket to ball, didn't have to, could hear the music perfectly at my house... I fell asleep while they were still partying away, woke up a couple times to the music.