Friday, December 8, 2017

Still shivering

Matthew VA

This has been a sixes and sevens kind of day, not quite snarky but could have easily slithered in that direction. I started a bunch of stuff but finished little. The muffin frittatas stuck to the muffin tin. It is raining. It is cold outside and cool inside. Al Franken has said he will step down from the Senate.

David went to work on the boat, pressing hard to get all he can do, done, while keeping out of the way of the mechanics. They, the mechanics, are clearly being stressed by our being present. When we learned that the boat repairs were not going to be completed as promised by December 1, we wanted to get here specifically to keep the company focused. They are pressing to get that engine aligned and re-installed...or re-installed and aligned. When David left last month the mechanics got called off to other things. So, we're here now, as planned. Grace is not finished but IS the focus again.

I stayed at the lovely apartment, said goodbye to our hostess who is going on a European cruise for 2+ weeks, tackled email and writing my MoC (Members of Congress), took out the Mighty Mender that I purchased 2 years ago for $10 at the church yard sale. When someone asked what I was going to do with it, "Put it on the boat and let it rust," I said. It is a cute little sewing machine, hasn't been on the boat yet, and I look forward to sewing on it sometime in the next 3 days...making fabric shelves, turning the useless hanging closet in the aft cabin into something more useful - shelves. Some reading. Monthly receipt organizing and determining, sort of, average daily expenditures. I've done this since our 8-month boat trip in 2015-2016 just to see how we are using our money. I'm nearly ready to give up the practice.

I gathered David around 3 PM and we did some errands, food shopping, back home to apt. to cook and a game of "take two." David became horizontal around 8:30. I'll continue to read for a bit longer.

As we came in this early evening (did I mention rainy?), a big raccoon trundled across the yard. And the deer here are really small, about 2.5' - 3' tall. I realize that I have to look lower to the ground if I want to avoid them on the road edge.

Tomorrow, rain predicted so we'll take a play day and do some sight seeing.  Mercury is in retrograde until nearly Christmas. Be cautious/careful with all things technological, mechanical, and involving communication. It's a fragile time for such.

Practice joy (even in the cold rain).

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