Thursday, December 28, 2017

cold in Norfolk

Norfolk, VA

39 degrees in the pilot house this morning, made getting out of the deliciously warm bed a bit of a challenge. Bright sun. Windy. This is when we're glad the boat hull is black to absorb whatever solar heat is available. It snowed!!! Something they call "the Bay effect." Only snow shower, nothing of consequence EXCEPT that we're trying to avoid snow and cold.

Clever David lined all the windows with that shiny, bubble-wrap-type insulation we have on board for some reason. Wait...for exactly this reason! That helped keep heat in last eve. Our dock neighbors are leaving for FL today. Big power boat they are warming up with engines running. The boat is surging on her dock lines, ready to get out of cold. Actually, all the boats are surging a bit in the wind and tide but the idea of the going-to-FLorida boat ready was more imaginative than wind and surf, today at least.

We spent the day on the boat tightening the bolts on the motor mount hangers. Several were loose...well not loose but not snug tight either...until now. A local diesel mechanic came to consult, spent about an hour and suggested that the problem is the motor mounts, lovely ones but probably not the best for our boat. Others have suggested the motor mounts as the problem, that they are transferring the engine vibration throughout the hull. Oh man, what to do? Who to trust...what information to trust? We can only rely on "the kindness of strangers" and the recommendations of people we don't know well but who have little to gain or loose, so why wouldn't they advise based on their best thinking?

Questions: Shall we stay in Norfolk and have this repair completed by a highly recommended mechanic? Shall we continue, now, to warmer weather and do the mechanic research all over again? I think we've decided to NOT take Grace back to Zimmerman's Marine. They guarantee their work but, apparently not the results of their work. Even though they say "satisfaction guaranteed." Clearly their work on our boat is good. And very clearly, we are not satisfied with the result. Lovely, competent humans but... Expensive trip south and we're not even in warm weather yet! Was this supposed to be a vacation? Nah! An adventure with my honey.

Research tomorrow into "other" motor mounts, cost, when/where available - it is New Year's weekend, and who's working??!? Then talk to mechanic to see when he (in this case, a he) can do this additional repair...and cost. Another several days in Norfolk? As vacation???  Ah, adventure.

Tonight, a trip to Lowe's for some insulation. David cut several new pieces to fit the pilot house doors. Our tin foil pilot house.

Warmer already. Now we're post-dinner and both working on computers across the table from each other. Amelia on my lap. Bruce Hornsby on the CD player. We were both remembering hearing him at an LL Bean outdoor concert this summer. Superb. Before Bruce we had The Police blaring. No near neighbors in this mostly deserted for winter marina.

Life is good. We've shelter and warmth, food and love, and health.

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