Monday, December 18, 2017

Hanging in Norfolk

Norfolk, VA

What is causing this distressing vibration in our boat?!?! Okay, engines vibrate. Grace"s, too.  But now that vibration is being transferred in the most vigorous way. Something is NOT in its proper place or alignment. But what? Where? Way above our pay-grade.

David spent most of the day talking with the leader at Zimmerman's Marina, American Diesel, mechanics here at Rebel Marina and friends on the phone. Ugh! Little, to nothing, I could do to even help think about this problem. Way, way, way above my pay-grade. So I did the laundry and figured out where to send the check. Not being able to help with the thinking or doing or solving of a problem leaves me.....frustrated and short tempered.

We did install a bilge pump that works. Apparently, the secondary bilge pump had never been wired into the panel. We keep discovering previous owner's work-arounds that don't work. The primary pump failed, wore out. Tomorrow maybe David will get the new switch installed so that the pump comes on automatically, in a reliable fashion.

Amid all this distressing - did I mention EXPENSIVE - Mercury retrograde stuff, we are safe and warm. Nearly 68 degrees today and sunny. And as was the case two years ago when we were here, we arrived on potluck dinner night. This year it was also "dirty Santa" potluck gift giving. What a lovely community of people gravitate around this marina. Reminds me of the community in Marathon, FL maybe even closer as there are fewer of us transients. Very welcoming folks. We got a silly gift, too, and gave one, as well. Christmas decorations in the pilot house. Clean clothes. And Amelia is almost sleeping through the night.


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