Sunday, December 10, 2017

New day

Matthews, VA

The sun is shining this morning. And it is supposed to be slightly warmer. Somehow knowing that Mercury is in retrograde makes my attitude lighter, too. "Extra Grace (is) needed" around all things mechanical, communicative, and technical. I might be able to practice patience a bit more, especially toward my partner here. Morning yoga helped, facing the sun out the deck door and view across the water/creek.

The past couple of days have been tough. The boat isn't done, as promised, and it is clear that the mechanics are challenged. Old boat, and Finnish (European), so parts are hard to come by and the space around the engine is cramped. They've had to make modifications and do work-arounds. And it is cold.

By morning my computer had NOT recovered from its "frozen" state of last eve. Wouldn't turn off. Wouldn't close apps. Wouldn't do anything. I plugged it in and closed it up. Luckily, this evening I tried just holding down the "close" button longer than normal. Worked! But I did think "Mercury retrograde" just rest for a bit and something will happen. No trying to push the river. I'm hoping we - David - can do the same, have the same patient attitude, with the mechanics tomorrow. And invite them to have that patient attitude with themselves and their work. No lolligaging, but patience. Mercury is too big to be pushed around by mere humans and our preferred schedules.

David and I accomplished lots on Grace today in spite of the chill. I brushed snow and leaves off the decks, cleaned the bilge some more, bent on a sail, fitted the new sail cover then put the old one back on (new one still needs closure hardware), cut a pattern for the fabric shelves mentioned in earlier post. David repaired the keel and put a skeg on to protect the rudder from nasty pot warp and other errant lines in the water. Tomorrow will be another sewing day for me. A functional, creative endeavor.

Laundry mat adventure and home by 4:30 - still daylight. I made soup, made Amelia go outside. We three took a nap before dinner of said soup. AND, watched t.v. on an old set with screen about 16 x 16". Sixty Minutes and lots of commercials.

The photo is of a "do it yourself" power line support that we pass on our way to the boatyard. Just before the photo snapped there was a sparrow hawk sitting on one of the points of this leftover tree, cleared from the field.
I like the attitude. Also, deer hunting season continues until the end of December. We've seen several deer near the road. Perhaps the only safe place since hunters won't shoot toward cars. The deer are much smaller, and grayer, than Maine deer - only about 3' tall at shoulder.

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