Sunday, December 24, 2017

A good ending but a difficult beginning


Yesterday, 12/23/17, was really an up and down day.

Up: Kathleen was ready to go out to breakfast with us to join Patsy & Gary at Arthur's. A first in many years so, let's go!

Down: David came home to sit on the phone with Enterprise, trying to exchange our rental car to a better one. Available car was in Greensboro. Are you crazy? Drive to Greensboro to get a new car? He was hurt by my remark and attitude and my change of heart from yesterday when he remembers me saying "good, let's exchange it" or something like that.
I was miffed at his need to have everything right according to his needs. I think my words were something like "It's tiresome, your need to have things perfect according to your desires."
After some time, sitting quietly, being in separate rooms he wondered if I wanted to hug. "No." More time apart in separate rooms. Maybe as much as an hour. Enterprise found a car in W-S, thanks to David talking to the manager in Norfolk, so we exchanged cars.
I think the stress of the boat, money and travel is getting to us.

Up: Some shopping for Christmas gifts for each other (no success but, really, is there anything we truly want or need?) and for stocking stuffers. A trip to a new-to-us store called Ollie's which is the W-S version of the Marden's we love in Maine. Fun wandering the aisles to get goods for the new "game" we learned at the Rebel Marina. Then food shopping and home to make dinner.

Up: No need to cook as Patsy and Gary brought so many leftovers from their Stewart family Christmas gathering. More food in Kathleen's refrigerator than I could imagine, and I worry about her having enough food. For dumb!

Up: Kay & John came, Dale came, all of us for dinner. More meat than I've had in several weeks! Yikes!!! Where's the green?!?

Down: Dale's daughter, Bobbie Jo, and her husband are in conflict again. Sad situation.

Up: New book started. Healthy, sheltered, warm, fed, surrounded by love and birth family.

On balance: My life is full, challenging, delightful. Blessed.

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