Monday, December 4, 2017

Ready or Not...

...we've left Maine! What an arduous day! Mine started around 6:00 A.M. and it is now 8:50 PM in Sturbridge, MA. A non-stop day of packing, cleaning, packing the car, going to the bank and the P.O and the dump. Saying goodbye to neighbors and the neighbor's cat and the other neighbor's elder dog who ambled up for a visit then chased the other neighbor's cat. Bad, old dog. So many goodbyes. On the plus side is that both David and I have passed on clothes that we've quiet wearing.

I took a walk down our frozen dirt road this morning. All the grasses were covered with hoar frost. Cold. Beautiful. Pond, frozen. How fortunate to live in such a beautiful place. But/and...cold.

The car is packed to the gills. How, oh how, or where oh where are we going to put all this stuff on the boat? Holy cow! Some of the stuff is food that we didn't want to leave behind so that will disappear. We are bringing lots of paper and art supplies, expecting to make it to the Bahamas where we will pass the supplies onto schools. And we have all the elder kitty paraphernalia, including kitty litter!

Finally, we left the homestead, with one little look back, sigh, goodbye. 3:14 PM rather than 10:00 AM. Aaaarrrgh. But the house looks great! And, hey, what's the rush?

And now kitty sleeps beside me while David and I watch t.v. ...a fun activity since we don't have a t.v. at home. I might last another hour before sleeping. Onward toward Annapolis tomorrow, perhaps to visit friends, Lynda and Jeff.


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