Saturday, December 9, 2017


Matthews, VA

A slow morning of coffee, reading. I tackled the cute little Mighty Mender sewing machine.  Frustrating. Took me several hours to get it to work properly. Tiny, plastic spaces such as bobbin winding and insertion are challenging for my aging fingers and eye sight. Also, I'd missed a thread guide so the needle wasn't picking up the bobbin thread. And then...and then..but finally, success and I made two, count them, TWO successful seams (including back stitching) to finish a small project.

I'm noticing that Amelia is sleeping longer before she starts waking me at her two hour intervals, midnight to 7 A.M. This causes me distress so I get up to make sure she is still breathing. She's old, and I worry about her. Similar to new parents waking up to make sure their newborn is still alive. Amelia went out several times today and this evening. Wanting to be outside. Not particularly liking the snow and cold. Sniffing to discover familiar smells. Not sure there are any here for her.

David and I went to the boatyard to gather a few things from the boat that we need at the apartment. Then took off for an afternoon of adventures - library book sale that our host told us was great (it was/is); then drove to Yorktown to visit West Marine Express for zincs for the engine. Continued to Newport to visit the Maritime museum there. A great exhibit about the Monitor, an Ironclad Civil War ship that has been found off Cape Hatteras. I surprised myself by being interested in that particular technology, how the South and the Union developed it differently, how both had flaws to be corrected. Really good educational exhibit. I am struck these days, though, by the "whiteness" of exhibits and the "gift shop" offerings. Was it Howard Zinn who said that the victors write the history?   From their perspective, of course.

I'm feeling a bit stranded here, not knowing when to expect the boat to be ready for us to move back aboard and get her in the water. Makes it impossible to plan. Should we settle in?, leave for NC family visit?, seek a volunteer opportunity here?, really explore this area and go exploring? Actually, we want to stay visible to the boatyard to keep the management focused on our project. And there is the "cha-ching, cha-ching" stress of all the related costs...the boat work, the apartment rental, the car rental. Knowing, too, that Mercury is in retrograde is distressing with the incumbent mechanical, technological and communicative challenges that brings. I'm impatient, worried, in need of a creative outlet. Perhaps sewing the fabric shelves tomorrow will be helpful.

Warmer tomorrow, and sunny, according to predictions. Winston-Salem and Freeport have snow.

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