Sunday, December 24, 2017

Family and church and food


A full day of church, family and food. A joyful day. However, I have eaten more meat in the last two days than I generally eat in two weeks. Lunch today, out with  10 family members after church together, was vegetables. Greens, at last.

This morning's church service was a delightful rendition of the Christmas story presented by lots of small children. Couldn't hear much of the reading or even the carols. But hey, I know the story and I know the songs. It was too much fun watching the children perform in their various stages of skills, comfort and discomfort. I smiled a lot. This energy and innocence, opportunity to be hopeful.

Had a lovely chat with cousin Kay's son who finishes college this year, hoping to go to grad school, studying theoretical math. Honored that he was willing to chat and explain his passion to me. Pretty much over my head but I loved connecting his interest to my interest in quantum physics and mysticism.

We went to a Moravian Love Feast at a really large church, a well endowed church. The music was magnificent. We all were able to sing carols, those traditional Moravian buns were served with hot, sweet coffee w/milk. The serving was very formal and choreographed, had to be with 500+ people attending the service. I loved it! Like a giant communion. The minister said "You're all Moravians while you're here. I don't care what you are the rest of the time." "Well, I do are but..." There are two carols that bring me to tears: Oh Come All Ye Faithful especially the line "sing choirs of angels, sing in exaltation" and in  O Holy Night, "fall on your knees and hear the angels' voices".  Must have something to do with those angels or perhaps there is something in the musical phrase that tickles my soul. The choir also sang the Hallelujah Chorus and I chimed in on whatever part I knew best at the moment. In spite of the fact that I don't embrace Jesus as my king or savior, I can embrace the spirit of oneness and community in this celebration of love, forgiveness, inspiration, belief. I am part of this blessing.

This evening aunt Kathleen and I made a cake, for Jesus' birthday tomorrow. A family tradition in this household. She has "amendments" to the recipe tacked on her cabinet door. I couldn't figure out if I was supposed to add the amendment, just use the amended amount or totally ignore it.  I told Kathleen that if this really turned out to be a cake it would be a true Christmas miracle.

Cousin Dale and David discussed the boat engine transfer-of-vibration at length. Good. David got to think about it with someone knowledgable and I had a break.

I'm so enjoying this visit with family.

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