Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Rebel Marina Deal

Norfolk, VA

An eventful day. Currently sitting in the saloon, reading, writing, listening to Tedeschi/Trucks, heater running, David and Amelia as my companions. Warm, fed, safe as can be, comfortable. Settled....at least for the moment.

Max Zimmerman, general manager? CEO? of the Zimmerman yard came this morning to listen to/feel the vibration David is so distressed about. I'm, too, admitting that it is pretty uncomfortable and much different/worse than pre-work.

Before his arrival David attacked the wounded bilge pump again and I attacked every major clutter bunch I could get to in the short amount of time available. Cleared the Pilot House of debris and managed some order in saloon/galley. And got some grit and dirt up, as well.

Max arrived around 11:00 a.m. Such a pleasant and handsome man. Easy to converse with. He grew up from middle school in Greenville, NC so we talked a bit about NC coast. Engine room open. Look and look and look. Start the engine, reeve it, in gear, forward, backward, increase rpm. Off. "The engine isn't vibrating too much. Everything looks aligned. All is doing what it should be doing." There is excessive vibration, a "buzzing" as described by Max. So he agrees that there is vibration that is being transferred from engine to boat hull. We/David is not making that up. Phew! It was really important that the CEO agreed with out determination. David was relieved. No need to argue about that fact: the vibration and noise are excessive - very different than what the yard promised. They have done their work well and the results are not what was expected. Now to determine options to ameliorate the excessive vibration problem.... and negotiate how the cost is to be shared.

Meanwhile David and I have decided to not take Grace back to that yard, at least, now. Rather to continue our journey. Perhaps we'll stop at Zimmerman's in Southport, NC, or live with the excessive vibration this winter and leave Grace at Zimmerman's in the spring for a fix that will be negotiated and contracted NOW. We're thinking to leave our boat here at Rebel Marina and rent a car for the NC visit in a couple of days. My how time flies when the boat is excessively vibrating.

Goodbye to Max with promise to be in touch in a day. Bilge pump fixed. A couple of errands in big shopping center areas. Lots of traffic! And a short walk on a beach at Willoughby Spit. Ahhhh. The beach, the ocean, that transition from one to the other. I truly love the beach.

Perhaps this signage will give us some direction. Note the yellow one marking the distance to Key West, FL. Here we come....soon.

Today I was noticing signs of aging among we three on the boat -sagging skin on skinny arms with little muscle definition, chicken necks, stiff hips on Amelia, tentative balance or depth perception. No longer spring chickens, any of us. And here we are, journeying together, still. Relatively healthy, strong and somewhat flexible.

Filled with gratitude for all these many blessings and privileges. Very aware of the fact that so many live on edge of despair. What to do?

My friend, Judith Brown, left a message this morning saying it was a good day to be in Norfolk as there was more snow in Freeport. Truth, even though her message was before the engine problem had begun to be resolved.

Love wins!            Even if the stupid tax bill passes.

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