Thursday, December 21, 2017


Norfolk, VA

Today we moved Grace to a berth, freeing up the transient dock, since we'll be away for about a week. Feels as if we are in suburbia now, surrounded by neighbors, most of whom are away.

I did not get back to shelf making as hoped today. But, pictured is yesterday's success. 

Successful because it is up, made of nylon that breaths through those holes, and holds the clothes it needs to hold. 

And our Christmas decorations. I think Sharyl gave us this boat several years ago.  There are green lights on the starboard side of the tinsel and red lights on the port side, totally in keeping with the nautical theme.

And I wrote a few Christmas cards today.

Kitty, Amelia, is now sleeping on the pilot house settee rather than hiding under the covers all day, especially when we are moving around in the boat. We'll move her to a different abode tomorrow and she'll have to be brave all over again in a new environment. Same for me though I know we're moving and she doesn't. Such a patient and tolerant cat, and travel companion.

I finished All the Light We Cannot See that Mary gave me/us for Christmas. Such a delicious book!

Solstice, light returns as our swiftly tilting planet tilts the other way. Is that what happens? I loved learning how winter happens when I was in 7th or 8th grade science but can't remember the specific how's now. But from now own for many months we gain daylight rather than loosing it. Winter's lack of daylight is really difficult for me, more so as I age. So celebrating Solstice and all the light return holidays this week.

And celebrating my dad whose birthday is on Solstice. I continue to draw on his support years after his death. He lived his life fully and with great integrity. He was, continues to be, a great model. Drove hard bargains, worked hard, loved/respected/supported my mom and her career, loved me and David. Was gentle, sometimes in spite of himself. A truly decent human. His more negative biases were a product of his culture, not his heart. Makes me smile in gratitude just thinking of him. Thanks, poppa. Love you.

Our rental car comes to us at 9:00 a.m. Much to do - what to pack???- before it arrives. Looking forward to seeing my wonderful, elderly and fading aunt Kathleen and hanging with her and my cousins for 5+ days. A little nervous about avoiding political conversations with those who may still think President Trump is right about most things. Avoidance means we talk less about things close to our hearts. Fear. New lack of intimacy with my beloveds.

Then back to our boat to make decisions about mitigating the boat's "excessive vibration" and continuing  our winter plans. But, Mercury will be out of retrograde so perhaps decisions will be clearer and easier. Even, a miracle could happen and the vibration undoes itself.

In any event, light is returning.

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