Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Matthews, VA shiver

12/6 Matthews, VA

Finally we've arrived at our temporary destination, more or less settled into the sweet apartment we are renting since we can't live on our boat...yet.

Our road journey was easy enough if you count 3 days of driving easy. We shared driving responsibilities but David did a lions share, especially in congested city areas. Getting across the GW Bridge between NYC and NJ was slow and tense and noisy. Perhaps we can never again drive across that bridge. Surely the Tappan Zee farther up river is easier - less crowded and prettier.

We found pet friendly motels so kitty was welcome. She has NOT enjoyed the car ride even though she has slept most of the travel time. Actually, she's sleeping most of the time. No major yowling at night, awakening me for food only a couple of times to eat rather than every 2 hours or so as at home. Today's travel, after we crossed the Potomac River, was calm with limited traffic, and beautiful. Large expanses of farm land put to bed for winter. Lots of horses and one sighting of LOTS of goats, white with brown necks and heads. Odd but lovely. We listened to lots of news and analysis and wrote our Members of Congress last night, several times on several different topics - having heard that MoC like a letter/email for each concern rather than a laundry list. Laundry list describes my very many.

We stopped at Zimerman Marine to have a look at Grace and pat her hull. Then on to our temporary abode. I settled the cat and myself while David went back to Grace to chip away at the chipping bottom paint. We'll both go tomorrow to spend the day on boat bottom work, hoping to get new bottom paint on before it turns too cold to stick...on Friday. YIKES!

Meanwhile, all three of us are glad to be "settled" for several days and only driving (sans kitty who will sleep in the apt.) for 15 minutes each way to and from Grace.

Albert and Jenni's boat looks ready for winter. Magus is across the yard from Grace. I'm sure they are buddies as their captains have become.

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