Sunday, December 3, 2017

Almost Ready

December 2, 2017

Beautiful, chilly morning in Freeport, ME. We're two days out from leaving this home, starting the car journey to re-join Grace in VA. Then onto...wherever...further south. Everything seems immediate, and fragile. So many tasks will not get completed, friends not visited, conversations not had due to the press of time. Who will be here when we return? Nothing and no one will be the same, including ourselves. My relationship to change is filled with love and hate. And, of course, there is no choice. Change is....constant. More so, even than death and taxes.

I have this urge to touch everything and everybody, to freeze all in my mind as it is now. To remember this frozen state rather than embrace all the evolution.

Meanwhile, the house is chaotic in spite of the brief facts of cleaned and straightened and in "perfect' order only 4 days ago. There has been a great deal of clearing out, giving away, a little selling, and organizing going on. David has made (sewn) new sail covers and a Bimini cover and helped Spencer get his boat in our shed and monitored our boat repairs and new equipment. My goals have been more in the letting go of stuff and making visit dates with friends, not as willing to let go of them.

This morning I've packed food, I'll dance and go watch dance at Bates College and enjoy those friends for a brief moment.

I can't remember a time when I've enjoyed "leaving" but I am totally excited about this continuing journey, on the boat, traveling with David and Amelia "on Grace" - literally and spiritually.

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