Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Home Improvements

Norfolk, VA

Sunrise this morning around 6:45 a.m. and the temperature was 54 degrees. Amelia and I got up and sat, meditated, emailed before David stirred. I never got out my jammies, my night shirt, all day long. I did put a shirt over and my jeans under and I didn't leave the boat except to turn on water on the dock.

I made a new shelf for clothes in the defunct hanging closet. Drilled little holes, put screw eyes in, stretched the netting I salvaged from Landon and Mike's house when they were giving me sewing supplies. I'll finish David's shelf tomorrow and we both can unpack...just in time to repack for Winston-Salem visit. Photo tomorrow. Uploading is too slow today.

We flushed the water tanks today. Disgusting gunk in the tank amid-ship. Some slimy stuff on the water filter and lots of "floaters", now gone. It took 3 tank fillings to feel as if the tank was relatively clean. The forward tank is more clean for some reason so less water flush to feel confident.

David got permission to use the marina band saw so he is finishing the "head" trim that he never got to on land. Lots of measuring and cutting and measuring again and cutting a bit more. I put some bungs in so he could place a vertical trim piece.

I tackled organizing the aft, port bunk storage space. And found some new storage space to be used for the power tools I think, those that don't need to be easily available at a moments notice.

This morning a mallard pair visited on the end of our dock. The female kept quacking, quacking, quacking. I could hear her some, but really could see her beak opening, closing, opening, closing. The male preened, fluffed his feathers, waggled his curly tail, tucked his head, lifted his shoulders around his neck (ears?). It was such a stereotypical male/female thing. Made me giggle. David and I had a pretend duck conversation. For a moment her mouth is closed in the photo.

Can't put down the book our friend, Mary Snell, gave us for Christmas - All the Light We Cannot See. What a delicious book! Back to it for me. Easy to go to bed since I already have jammies on.

Continued joy.

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