Tuesday, March 1, 2016

3/1/16        Tuesday         Boot Key/Marathon, FL

Electronic purgatory! That's where I am. Not sunny, beautiful Florida on March 1. My cell phone touch screen quit working yesterday. Sweet phone receives messages which I can read as they come in if I happen to be looking. It tells me who is having a birthday today and reminds me of phone calls I need to make tomorrow. I can even answer calls if I happen to hear the phone ringing. BUT, I can't get the keypad to appear and open so I can't "open" the phone to check ANYTHING - contacts, make a call, get messages or emails or FB posts or...........and no one repairs Samsung phones in my neighborhood.

So....bite that financial bullet and buy another phone. I'm thinking a Apple Refurbished iPhone, a 5. As I understand it the data from my broken phone can be transferred to an iPhone via some app that Apple has or by an AT&T service person. Probably I'll have to pay the remainder of the Samsung cost ($96) before AT&T will help transfer my data and I might have to rediscover the password on my gmail account(s). This causes me to wonder if I want to start using my secondary gmail account for email rather than my bates.edu account. Aaaaaarrrrrrgghhhhh. I'm such a luddite with all this electronic communication stuff. Hard to know the easiest, least expensive long-term/short-term fix. Holding my breath and jumping into a decision. I notice how blessed I am to the financial resources to consider these choices.

Much of the day was spent thinking, calling, riding bike to repair stores, researching, phone....w/no clear decision yet. Sigh.

Meanwhile, friends Wendy and Dan arrived in the harbor. David helped them get anchored on the other end of the harbor. I made a fabulous dinner for all of us. Everyone joined Amelia and me on the deck just in time for sunset.Then we all came below to avoid the bugs and to have a table for food. Great conversation and friends. They may leave sooner than we expected. We may decide to go w/them. They will stop in Stuart, FL and fly home for a couple of weeks. If we leave at the same time I expect we'll continue to St. Augustine and rest there awhile then join up w/them again along the way. We'll make more firm plans w/them in the next several days. Great to have them near at hand again.

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