Thursday, March 24, 2016

3/23/16            Wednesday            Titusville, FL

We saw the rocket launch last night!!! From 30 miles away it was still impressive. A warm, intense pink/orange/red glow at the horizon then the bright orange ball ascending. We could follow it through some scattered clouds then it was small enough to not follow. Maybe 40 degrees off the horizon before we lost it.  Thrilling.

Now we're in familiar territory and viewing the waterscape from the other direction. Easy motoring day. Light wind on our nose. Not pushing ourselves but steady as she goes. We thought to get beyond Titusville but realized we'd be in the boonies at next good anchorage and I need internet tonight for a Board meeting. So, anchoring at Titusville.

Friends, John and Darlene, pulled in and anchored behind us. We won't see them, in person, for another couple of days probably...St. Augustine, I expect. We travel faster than they and plan to see Sheldon tomorrow night in Daytona Beach. Great that we have preferred stops now. Hope we don't get boring and un-adventuresome.

And friends, Ed and Vicki who had the torn up prop/keel accident in Charleston, phoned to say they had taken a mooring at the Titusville City Marina and recognized our boat. Yea! So good to hear from them and that they are well and continuing their journey south. They'll spend the summer, they think, in Miami near his family, then continue in the fall to Bahamas or Caribbean or...who knows.

Loving these connections. The full moon is beautiful.

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