Sunday, March 27, 2016

3/27/16       Sunday           Jacksonville, FL            HAPPY EASTER

Said goodbye to St. Augustine, again, this morning around 8:30. Lined up with 2 other sail boats to go through the Bridge of Lions heading north. David and I had a quick snarl at each other over a misunderstanding about the sighting (or lack thereof) of a red buoy. Amazing how easy it is to misunderstand the question based on what one sees or doesn't see. Okay, quick snarl but clearly I'm still smarting. Not my fault. So there. I think we were both disappointed to be leaving and a little nervous about the next couple of days. And today thunderstorms were predicted along our pathway. A little tension to start the day and no time for our coffee and 5 deep breaths.

The day progressed nicely. Wide ICW through middle Florida. Nature preserves on both sides some of the way. I was helms person much of the way early on. I felt the presence of my ancestors - the close ones...Mother, Dad, the grands, aunties - and some friends who've passed. Everyone close on this day of celebrating another rising. And, I thought of Doug Varone's dance, Rise, which is such a joyous celebration of movement and music. So appreciative of all my leaders and guides and friends and loving how they (their spirits) show up and let me feel them present. Truly, how blessed can an earth-bound human be?!?

An interesting nudge-iness - I might be annoyed to have missed a sunrise service on Easter. I'm not a religious person in the traditional sense but I don't think I've missed Easter Sunrise Service in several decades. It's sort of my touchstone heritage, respect for the family belief. Hmmm.  Anyway, loving all those spirits whether or not we met at the sunrise service this morning.

We're in the land of white herons again. They're beautiful. Elegant. And today we saw a really large Bald Eagle sitting in the top of a dead cypress tree. Magnificent. Dolphins swam beside for a few seconds today.

The travel was ordinary. We stopped in St. John's River (Jacksonville) to get fuel for a possible outside adventure tomorrow. Met Mike and Nancy from MD whose boat was being towed in due to a fuel pump problem. They visited our boat because they'd considered a Nauticat when searching for a cruising boat. They loved Grace.  So do we. Off again to our home - our plot of water - for the evening at the Free City Docks. Stiff current as we were trying to land and appreciated help from men on two boats that were already docked here. I took a nap while David did some engine work.

Alas. the fuel injector leak that we'd thought/hoped David had fixed yesterday was not fixed. Continuing to leak badly, probably under the additional stress of 1600 rpm cruising rather than the 1200 at idle. Bummer! Browne (last name?) who is a "greeter" at this Free Dock Marina came along and offered help and sage advice.

So a hiccup in our plans. We'll stay here tomorrow and do some additional diagnostics on the injector system with Browne's help. Then....stay longer and wait for parts? move over to a marina and wait for parts? move over to a marina and wait for parts and get someone else to do the work while we fly to visit Savannah? (not likely!). Nothing to do, really, until we have more information.

It is REALLY, REALLY raining! Good for sleeping and checking for leaks. REALLY raining.

I think Browne might be one of our angels.

1 comment:

  1. Barb and I met Brown when at that same dock a year or two back.So he is a well loved Angel.
