Wednesday, March 30, 2016

3/30/16        Wednesday              Sister's Creek, Jacksonville, FL

Phew! Injector line installed and NOT leaking!

Doing a sun salute at my favorite studio (see yesterday's photo) with the same view. The park ranger/ security guard happened by, checking on us I suspect. On his way back up the dock we met Randy Russell. We may have stayed so that I could meet him. He's the person who feeds the seagulls each morning on the point a little to the south of us, still in the park.

Clearly a believer in the unity of all life. A believer in God. Probably, though the name was never mentioned, a believer in Jesus the one true pathway to God. Where we were comfortable and connected was talking about the beauty of nature, how it teaches us so much, how everything is connected, how we all have different roles and pathways in life, how we all evolve at own pace. It was a metaphysical conversation (and I'd not had my first cup of coffee!) and it was delightful. Clearly a man grateful for his life and privileges. He's worked here for 20 years. Must be in his 40s. I felt privileged to meet him and have him be soooo delighted with his lot ad the beauty of where he was. Caused me to slow down a bit and stress less about the engine. AND, it was a beautiful morning!

David and I tackled the injector line/connection - the #3 line - again. A little bending and we got it to line up nearly perfectly but when we tightened the nut the line moved aft, out of alignment. Still no leak....until we put it under load (in gear). aaaarrrrghhhh. Drops of pink diesel fluid gathering where no diesel fuel should be seen. Despair David made to calls to mechanic helpers. Both gave good advice and next steps, especially Bob at Brewer's in our home port.

Then angel, Mary, brought our new line and it was so much like the old one we took off the engine we had HOPE. Visited with Nancy (Browne's wife) for a half hour then started our next bout of work on the injector. This one slipped right on. Seated properly. Did not leak, even under load. Even under heavy load a second time! Ta Da! What a relief.

So we helped a couple of boats dock, in front of and behind us. Browne took us to his house for a shower! e took him and wife, Nancy, out to dinner, bought ice and are now planning our trip tomorrow. We'll have a parade of boats leaving here about the same time tomorrow, heading in the same direction.

Friends made and theses feathered friends, too.


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