Wednesday, March 9, 2016

3/7-8/16      Monday/Tuesday      Boot Key/Marathon, FL

Whoa, Monday was a bit of a lost day. I woke up w/a stiff neck, little muscle contraction twinges when I turned my head to the left. Did a few stretches, considered very briefly not going to yoga but... Beautiful day with bright sun and strong breezes. At the band shell/yoga studio we all gathered on the left side so our yoga mats wouldn't blow away. We joked that the concrete stage would become imbalanced and list toward port. During the class my left side neck became SO tense that I couldn't raise my left arm. Then I could raise my arm to parallel to the floor but could not turn my head to "look out over your fingertips." If I turned more than about 15 degrees, a searing pain went from my collar bone to the middle of my back. Pretty disabling and totally hurting. The hardest part was not knowing exactly what NOT to do to avoid pain. Back to the boat for drugs which did little for the muscle contractions. Did all the things I know to relieve muscle contractions. Decided the problem was alignment and went looking for a chiropractor. David took carethe days errands and dinner. I don't know what else happened on Monday.

Tuesday on the Cruisers' Net I had two chiro recommendations. Made an appointment for later in the afternoon. By now drugs and all my stretching and manipulating had created some relief and I could at least function, and anticipate what caused the most pain. Thus, I got to participate in life to some extent. Got a shower. Did some chart work. Went to the chiropractor. Oh my goodness. What a major snap/crackle/pop (like Rice Crispys) in my neck. Things - those little vertebra - were SOOOO out of line. How did that happen? So home to boat to DRINK WATER, take another drug and cook dinner...and sleep.

Meanwhile David has continued to try and crack the code, the mysterious emf (electro magnetic field) challenge, to make our AIS receive signals. We transmit okay but can't see those boat icons on our screen. And, he continues to speak w/Alex everyday, keeping the pressure on to get our new solar panels installed and tested before we leave town after this wind blows out. Curious that now that we are psychologically ready to leave the weather and projects are delaying us.

Ho hummm

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