Sunday, March 20, 2016

3/20/16      Sunday       Riverside Marina, Ft. Pierce, FL    HAPPY   SPRING!!!

Slept a bit late, well not really. Up for coffee. Boat neighbor, Van, took us in his truck - me to grocery store, David to Advance to get some Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) so we could put fresh ATF when we installed the hydraulic pump for the auto pilot. Waiting for the men to return I had a lovely chart with an older Greek woman who was waiting for a ride to her Greek Orthodox church. Fun. We shared tales of Greece. She's pretty much of a world traveler but loves her Greek heritage. I told her about our friends who live in Levos part-time.

Back at the boat David was kidnapped by a clown, really. A French couple just came over to talk to us, probably having seen a new boat in the community. The man - Michel - speaks mostly French so the woman - Leigh - translates for him. However, Michel never stops talking so translating is hard, especially if you have things to say, too. David went off with them to meet Peter who was reputed to be able to advise on the autopilot. Not so much but...And Michel really IS a clown...for the Shriners. Several hours later David returned with an idea of how to mount the pump...and proceeded to do so. Then we loaded that sucker up with ATF, turned the wheel back and forth, and back and forth and back and forth getting all the air bubbles out of the line. fitting leaked. Bummer!!! And the motor didn't run. So.....we have some more work to do tomorrow. First, check to see that the motor really works. It was a hard day.

And, as if that disappointment wasn't enough I discovered that...........
Our Cat has Fleas. Last night it dawned on me that the grit I'd been seeing in her fur was flea dirt. Gave her some EasySpot (which she does NOT love). Then went to bed......itching. Today no flea dirt and lots of research into how to get them out of the "house".Got some good information and will start that work.  We'll give them a whirl.  Meanwhile, enjoy your days in the sun...and send good autopilot vibes. It was a hard day of reconstruction work. We'll take some steps tomorrow to get the autopilot to work. Ho hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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