Friday, March 25, 2016

3/25/16       Friday         At. Augustine, FL

We're back in the land of white pelicans and white egrets - mid to northern FL. The pelicans still segregate by color (racist) and are beautiful and funny anyway. I'm not taking any cues from them regarding social behavior.

I am, and I think David, too, enjoying coming back to places we've been before and the journey seems to be taking less time on the return. The familiarity is comforting or maybe just comfortable. Even the tight and skinny water at R80 which does cause the helms person and the navigator to sweat was way more comfortable south to north than it was north to south a few months ago. The mega houses with lawns that could be small golf courses are still beautiful (well some of them) and ridiculous. The waterway shoreline of vegetation and birds is still so very lovely in its wildness. And all is less grasping of attention with the novelty so lessened.

We contacted John and Darlene when we arrived in St. Augustine. We're moored on the south side of the Bridge of Lions this time. John and Darlene arrived just a few minutes before us. Clearly, they left Daytona Beach area way before we did this morning. They were meeting our friends Dana and Craig for dinner and invited us. We met both couples in Charleston, SC, last fall and hadn't seen them since we were all here together in early December. Fun. Fun. Fun. We walked around the old part of the city after light dinner and ended having a been across from the fort.

But before that, as soon as we moored, a dinghy, dinghyed up to us. Lori and Clint from Sister Creek! So funny because just today I was thinking that I wanted to call Lori and see where they were. They left Marathon just before we got our mooring, maybe 3+ weeks ago, heading up the west coast and across Lake Okeechobee (yikes, have I forgotten how to spell that name). We each had dinner plans but we will check in with them tomorrow. I really like Lori.

We did find out tonight that all the dead fish in the river yesterday are due to the run off and release from Lake Okeechobee, waste products from the sugar plantations which were/are supported (the dam was built to water the plantations) so we wouldn't have to buy sugar from Cuba. So many fish were floating, belly up and bloated, for miles along the waterway.

Expecting rain tonight and tomorrow....and tomorrow night and Sunday. Might take a real tour of Flagler College buildings. Our short adventure into the main building was stunning. We'll see.

Shoulder/neck distress has returned but I'm stretching lots to relieve it. Think it is from computing and steering so being careful to float my head and drop my arms when doing those tasks. Don't know what the wonky knee stuff is from. Sigh.

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