Thursday, March 3, 2016

3/3/16       Thursday           Pine Needle Basket Making Day         Boot Key/Marathon, FL

In the evening here sunset is announced by about 7 different tones on conch shells. There are at least 4 different players as the sound comes from at least 4 directions. It is so haunting and beautiful. They seem to call and response to each other. Tonight is the third night I've noticed them but David tells me he has heard them since we moved into the mooring field. It is warm (David would say hot) and humid and still, filled with potential for biting bugs so the screens are in/down. May need a fan tonight.

David and Dan worked/played together today. Wendy and I participated in the basket weaving "class". I practiced putting beads between rounds of pine needles, and Indian wrapping. All tedious requiring patience and concentration. Really, it is not a very social activity. Limited eye contact with your table-mates. But some folks are making stunningly beautiful baskets, some very traditional with interesting stitches (which I'll probably not get a chance to learn), some wonderfully abstract with wrapped swoops and twists. I'll try to remember to take some photos....WHEN I get my new/used phone that works. This is sort of like camp. Tuesday is Mexican Train Dominos. Wednesday is jewelry making. Thursday, basket weaving.....etc...Bible study Wednesday, too, and tonight the Coast Guard (?) is teaching a rope splicing class ast getting volunteer labor to create new mooring pennants for the National (?) Park at Sombrero Reef which is supposed to be wonderful for snorkeling.

I took a bike ride to the UPS store to return my dry bag backpack...I need the phone more and the backpack was too big. It was an impulse buy even though I'd research them well. But nothing I really need. I'll continue to use the 10L dry bag for my computer and my nap sack for all other "needs".  Good think I had the computer in the day bag this afternoon when we stopped to fill our water bottles. I was talking with someone and not paying attention. When the 5 gal bottle over ran I kept turning and turning the faucet, totally forgetting which direction I was turning...too much lefty Lucy, so drenched the bottom of the dinghy.

We're pressing to get the new solar panels installed and tested early next week. Holy cow paddies! Early next week is only a few days away. As we begin to think about starting home we realize there is so much to do, and we've not really driven the boat in about 5 weeks. Coming to the mooring field from the creek doesn't count as driving. We didn't need the electronics or a chart, all visual. How am I ever going to learn to make my pine needles into a basket? So far I only have the bottom of a basket. I don't yet know how to make the turn to vertical. I may have to buy the book.

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