Monday, March 28, 2016

3/28/16            Monday (Easter Monday in the South)          Jacksonville, FL  Jim King Marina

Well, what an interestingly gentle (for me) this day has turned out to be. We're on a lovely, though buggy, secure concrete dock in Sister's Creek (not the one we were in waiting for a mooring in Boot Key/Marathon) where the current rips past with two other boats and several fisher-people, a grey heron and a Great Blue heron...and gulls. The "marina" is more a park with picnic tables and grills, green space a couple boat launches and these docks and piers...and a bathroom(!).  Our view to port:

We met, yesterday, Browne Altman, who is designated the Greeter at Jim King Marina. Retired boater with time to help others and pay good deeds forward. So today we were up early to start cleaning the fuel injectors so that when Browne came with his carburetor cleaner we'd be ready. Done. Found the leaky fitting. David took the injector part off the engine - that was a multi-step task but successful - and the men took off to try to find a replacement part. No luck. Order from American Diesel, delivery tomorrow to Browne's address. I took a walk through the marina/park while they were mechanic-ing, did sun salutes for the first time in a couple of weeks.

Okay, let's take Browne to lunch. Great. Lovely lunch for all at the Sand dollar, across the river from where we'd fueled up yesterday. Then Browne took us on a short, 45 min. tour of some back roads of "old" Jacksonville with lots of Spanish moss and resurrection ferns and palmetto plants. Beautiful.
The men dropped me off at the boat so I could complete a small sewing project...and read my new murder mystery and they went off on buying errands. It was a beautiful, sunny and breezy day - not to hot, not too cool, not too many bugs, just right.

David returned w/groceries and other goodies including Easter Monday flowers.

David did a project. Dinner is in our future. Something simple like cold soup. Beer. Close the screens against the bugs. Enjoy the view and each other.

1 comment:

  1. Where are you? I'm still in Fernandina awaiting a closer for 2 loans. Then I leave tomorrow, Wed., at 11. Good luck with your repair. This area is nice but watch out for the 6 dollar beers. Clint
