Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3/29/16         Tuesday                 Sister's Creek, Jacksonville, FL

My yoga studio this morning:    
Free dock in Sister's Creek, Jacksonville, Jim King Park

The sunrise was so very cool and beautiful. The marsh is already much greener than when we arrived two days ago. Everything is greening up as spring arrives. I've loved the bird calls, similar to birds in NC but not heard in Maine - mocking bird, cat bird, thrush.

David and I took a walk around all the parking lots in the park/marina this morning. Parking lots more crowded this morning with boat trailers. Many out fishing early.

Back at the boat we began a construction project to more securely secure the battery boxes in place. Not too much of a worry but if we ever want to get total coast guard approval we'll need those battery boxes more securely secured. Then, Browne showed up with the ned fuel injector part.
Earlier morning sunrise over marsh

David worked on fitting the fuel injector tube into place with Browne offering helpful hints and me staying out of the way except to find a needed tool. After a couple of hours and turning the engine on......disappointment. Still a leak. We think it is because the tube angle was a bit off so the tube didn't come vertically into the "receiving nut". Aaaarrrrghhhh. So we're here for another day, for sure.
American Diesel is sending another tube and tomorrow we'll try another way to install it, maybe relying on the machine itself to do the small amount of bending necessary to get the seating to vertical.  Roll my eyes. Cross my fingers. Contact my mechanical angels with specific request for help and success.

Meanwhile we're in a beautiful place. We're healthy. Well fed. Good books to read if time allows. Kitty is healthy. My shoulders/neck contractions are on the mend. Browne is attentive to our needs....and we're entertaining him with challenges and conversation.

I am, however, ready to continue our journey. Tomorrow's weather looks like perfect traveling weather but we're not traveling....by boat anyway. At dinner tonight David and I were appreciating our lovely and comfortable Grace. Just now I'm listening to Adagio for Strings and remembering a dance that I think Job Saunders made for students at NCSA when I was there. Beautiful music. Beautiful dance.

Life is good....for me. Hoping it is true, wishing it is true, for so many others.

Beautiful, aren't they?!

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