Friday, March 25, 2016

3/24/16      Thursday                    Seven Seas Marina, Daytona, FL

Another easy day of mostly motoring but we did motor/sail north of New Smyrna. Strong breeze help Grace buck the current flowing against us. Friends John and Darleme in R Dream left Titusville before us and we only caught up and passed them at New Smyrna. They will go beyond us tonight to anchor at Daytona Beach.

We went through Haulover Cut again but this time it was virtually empty of fishing people, those only on the backs rather than in boats going every which way.
Empty Haulover Cut
When we passed through here in the fall/winter it was PACKED with people fishing - on boats of all small sized, on the banks - PACKED. I'm startled that I can't find a photo of that to compare as it was so stunning that such a small cut could have so many people and boats in it. But, not photo. Sigh.

We returned to Seven Seas Marina where we'd hauled out for some reason this past winter - to check the motor shaft stuffing box. Such a sweet little marina with good people and the beach is only 2 blocks away. We got the boat settled and took off for the waves. Spent about 1/2 hour splashing, tumbling, riding and managing to not get pulled out or knocked over by the heavy tide and surf. Delicious! Now this is my kind of beach. I expect to have a wonkie knee and stiff neck tomorrow but the beach and surf is worth it.
Butterfly kite and the shortest person is handling it.
Back at the marina we took showers, did the laundry and met Sheldon and his friend, Jacob, for dinner at Our Deck Down Under (the highway bridge).
Jacob and Sheldon, concentrating

Then a quick trip to the food store (thank you Sheldon) and back to Grace before the thunderstorm. All buttoned up for the evening.

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