Saturday, March 19, 2016

3/18/16           Friday               Peck Lake (north of Jupiter), FL

Another looooonnng, hot day with 21 bridges!!! We averaged a bridge every 1.5 miles, all of them timed to open on the hour/half hour or quarter/three quarter hours. So, if you traveled between 6-7 knots, depending upon the distance between bridges, and didn't get caught in a traffic jam, you could make all the scheduled openings without having to wait too long. At one point we had 4 boats in a parade - Evening Light leading, Grace, Silana, and Footloose. Footloose was the slowest but we kept encouraging her to "come on along". At one bridge the tender didn't know if she could keep the bridge open. As soon as we cleared David got on the bridge channel to thank the tender which we do each time and said "Come on, Footloose. You can do it." to encourage the bridge tender to keep the bridge open. Bridge stayed open. Sweet.

David did all the helms work while I completed the narrative to Freeport Players grant application and negotiated/called some necessary folks to discuss the grant possibility. One more call to make before finalizing and attaching the budget. I was so tired of sitting. David was so tired of standing.

We had some lovely sites today, too, but it really was a head down, do the work kind of day for all of us.            
The Cinderella Bridge Tower, not really the name

Tree house, check out the tree painted on the middle

We anchored in the crowded Peck Lake. You could hear the ocean waves pounding the barrier island. Powerful, awesome, wondrous! Dan and Wendy dinghyed over to get us and we all went to the beach. JOYFUL! even though the surf was too powerful to swim or even get wet above thigh level. We still had our bathing suits on and we were getting wet and salty. I so love the ocean, could sit and watch or listen or play in it endlessly. David suggested I didn't need much to be happy - ocean front living with garden space. Actually I don't have to live at the ocean, just have easy access to those waves and sound and sand.

Back from ocean we can still hear the breakers. Sound brings all sorts of memories for me, all - I think - joyful. Sadly, sort of, all memories...for now.

Dan and Wendy came to our boat for impromptu dinner of spaghetti. Too much beer for me so I was falling asleep on my feet. It has been a long day. We don't have far to travel tomorrow so I'm expecting to fee the cat around 6:30 am and head back to bed for a couple hours after that.

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