Sunday, March 6, 2016

3/6/16         Sunday            Boot Key/Marathon, FL                Sunny, warm, not too muggy

A full day on the boat. Nothing major to report. Great day. Breakfast on the aft deck listening to Diesel Don moderating and waxing philosophical on Cruisers' Net. Some list making. Great long catch-up conversation with my friend and colleague, Elizabeth. A nap. Chat with Maggie and Shannon. Freeport High School won first place in their district One Act Play competition!!! and will go to the State finals in Millinocket in two weeks. I'm really proud that our high school produces STUDENT WRITTEN plays as its One Act competition entry. Really proud of the entire team of high school students and the adults who support them in this endeavor. Chat with Sharyl. Visit from our next mooring neighbors was delightful - Anne and Dick on Nati, living aboard for the past 9 years, no land home or even home port....hmmm. They visited for about an hour and will come again, I'm certain. They tried to go to Cuba, had everything arranged then Dick had some medical issue with his eyes and they had to cancel. So bummed. They'll leave in another couple weeks and head twd Baltimore to visit children and may make it to Cape Cod this summer. Interesting. Sell all land property. For me that would be seriously cutting umbilical cord. Not ready for that....maybe yet....maybe ever. An interesting lifestyle choice though and it is a lifestyle, not a vacation. Which basket to put all eggs in? Or spread them among a couple of baskets? For those of us, especially, without children, these are choices to be contemplated often and carefully. How do we know how and where we'll want to be or be able to be when we're less able to care for ourselves...if we're lucky enough to life to that stage? How will we afford good and trusted care? Who will help us make or make for us necessary decisions? Certainly, choices will be more limited than they are now but how limited? Plan, anticipate, choose as best we can now which is the only option there is no knowing even short term our journeys and pathways. Kissing all these moments as we live them. Especially grateful for the past several days of sun, warmth, friends and adventures that have been fun. Grateful for this day on the boat. Grateful, too, to have a phone with my number working again...and Amelia not throwing up. Totally blessed, I am, and thanking all my ancestors and angels.
Not too much drama in tonight's sunset. Check out our grill cover
David's is cooking. I want to help.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nancy & Dave. It's RDream. We are still in The Bahamas. Hoping to cross mid next week to Riveria Beach. I will still have same cell number.
