Monday, February 29, 2016

2/29/16       Monday     LEAP YEAR in Boot Key/Marathon, FL

David and I were up and moving swiftly this morning, off the boat by 9:30, missed Cruisers' Net in order to get the bus to Key West. Sweet ride. The land- and seascapes through the Keys are simply stunning. The water colors. The low to high mangroves. The palm trees. We're definitely in the land of palm trees of so many varieties. The mangrove "swamps", shallows...whatever they are called with the salt on all the mangrove roots as the tide goes out, giving them a frosted look....the white trails (underwater) in the shallows where boats have run aground and backed slashes on flesh...what looks to be the solidifying of the "swamp" with water evaporating so that the sand/coral mud is growing red or yellow lichen...roots of Black Mangrove growing UP....such science fiction/ fantasy variety of color and form. Delicious and totally intriguing. What animal creatures are growing/living in these places?
Didn't take this today but...Key West
where the beginning and the end of the road
may be the same

Our visit with Sheila was equally wonderful. I've known her for 30+ years but we've never been particularly close, very respectful of each other and our places in the dance world of Maine but not close buddies. How lovely to enjoy each other's company and know each other better in our retirement years. She lives mostly full time in Key West but comes back to Maine for some summer fun.  Can't wait to see her in Maine now.

Back on the bus after a short but vigorous walk on a beach near Sheila's and back in Marathon at the marina by 5:15. Checked our mail and I got the Dry bag back pack I ordered. It is bright yellow but I think too big. We'll see if David wants it otherwise I'll return it and look for a 20 liter one rather than this honking 30 liter one.

Beer on the aft deck with handsome David and lovely Amelia. Amelia did not join us in drink but did get some kibbles. It was, I believe, the most luscious evening we've had in Marathon. Wind was gentle and warm, blue sky, and a little sailboat zipping and zigging among the rows of boats. About as good as life gets I believe.

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