Tuesday, February 2, 2016

2/2/16   Tuesday     Sister Creek, Boot Key, FL

Welcome Imbolc. Hello, ground Hog Day.

Having arrived in the Keys and decided to stay for awhile just where we are.....let the vacation begin!
Our new neighborhood in Boot Key/Marathon, FL
I stayed on the boat ALL DAY - talked to some friends on the phone, read my book (The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie). Finished it tonight after the Freeport Players Board meeting.

We saw two manatees!!!! Swimming just beside and behind the boat. They looked like large overstuffed pillows with heads. Stunning and wonderful. Nibbling their way along the mangroves. At last, manatees!! And I saw a tiny jelly fish about the size of a silver dollar, black and cream, puffing its way along some grass that was floating by...also eating, I think.

David went ashore to do some shopping and getting the lay of the land...and the sea...so to speak. Brought back food and some goodies for the boat. I'll do that exploring tomorrow after yoga in the park at 10 AM. It takes about 10 minutes to motor/dinghy into the dock. David's bike is there and I'll probably take mine in tomorrow. However, I WANT to go to the beach tomorrow! So, yoga then the beach.

Sounds like vacation........at last.

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