Tuesday, February 16, 2016

2/16/16         Tuesday      Boot Key/Marathon, FL

Sunrise was lovely this morning...and FILLED with no-see-ums. Fierce little bugs! And, truly nearly invisible they are so small. You feel something biting and there's a freckle....with hugh teeth, apparently. Only the sunrise shows up in the photo.
neighbors to our east
Talked w/my wonderful friend, Judy, to start my day today. So great to have a 30 year friend whose voice to hear.  Breakfast. Then we left the boat early to get in before the thunderstorm. We stopped to consider some other anchoring places as we dinghy-ed into the marina.

We've MOVED....not to the marina but about 1/4 mile closer...but 1/4 mile further from the beach. Sigh. We moved to get out of line with the most virulent electro-magnetic field...Voice of America broadcasting to Cuba for the past 30+ years. Broadcasting at 100,000 watts far exceeding the legal limits of the FCC. But, hey, it is our government trying to import democracy so...the rules don't apply. Dick and David moved the boat this afternoon and we're re-anchored but at an angle with the four broadcast towers. And now our GPS and radio receivers/transmitters work again. Phew! If they'd been fried we'd be poorer....or have to stay in FL and not travel too far.....or back to paper charts, exclusively. Photos of the "new" neighborhood tomorrow when there is daylight.

Dick and David moved the boat. Nora and I went to the library to compute; she working on Union of Maine Visual Artist publication, me working on Freeport Players job descriptions and grant applications. All around productive day for all of us.  Appreciating Dick's helping David w/the boat. Been there/done that and happy to share the experience with others.

Meanwhile, in our Community Library, Gov LePage conducted a Town Hall-type meeting. Word is that he "spared w/our legislator", full house and some people had to be removed for heckling. La di da!

Pizza in our oven for dinner and I'm ready to read myself to sleep.

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