Saturday, February 13, 2016

2/13/16    Saturday     Boot Key/Marathon, FL

A totally delicious day! Warmer sun, windy still but so much warmer even than yesterday (which was also quite a delicious day. I started the day w/15+ minutes of meditation on the aft deck. It was that warm. Coffee w/ David and we decided to take a few hours on the boat for home improvement projects. I went in for sanding and washing some railing, hoping to get to oiling in this beautiful sun and heat. Accomplished the sanding/washing but didn't get to the oiling yet. David took on creating a holder on the dinghy for the required 4' pole for the "all-around white light" for night safety. Accomplished and used tonight coming home from a potluck w/music dinner at the marina.

We met Dick and Nora at the beach (they drove, we dinghy-ed) for a sand sit and swim. Then they came back to Grace via dinghy for wine and snacks. David took them back to the beach and their car and we headed in to the aforementioned potluck.

During our wine/snack on the aft deck we spoke of being retired, travel, obligations, desires. There was a moment of tension when David talked about perhaps not getting back to Maine until June and I insisted on May. David wondered if I would leave him on the boat if we weren't back in May...due to weather or other unforeseen events. I stated, maybe, since "I signed on for 8 months" at sea. Of course I would not leave David stranded. And I expect/trust that he would not purposefully and without negotiation take more time returning to Maine that we'd initially agreed. I'm totally appreciating all these sailing/journeying opportunities and truly loving most (operative word, most) all this adventure w/David. However, that doesn't mean I want to continue this particular sailing adventure into summer. AST, we spoke of the possibility of our renters willingness to continue in our house beyond May. All that is to be carefully considered and negotiated...not assumed.

Meanwhile, we missed the Meridian Flare that was seen last night and tonight, missed by moments tonight, as we were busy tying and unloading the dinghy. Another opportunity will happen in about 10 days we think.  David got a better photo of the anchor light star field. Beauty.

And a tragedy - a dear friend's brother committed suicide this past week. Such a sad thing when dear people, apparently healthy and not very old, feel that death is their best option. So sorry for this loss.

Sending love out all around, to all.

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