Monday, February 8, 2016

2/7/16    Sunday - Super Bowl Day  Boot Key, FL

Not good sleeping last night with high winds and rain and checking the docking (to the mangrove) lines and anchor lines (notice the plural of lines!). So a slow beginning to the day with David napping for several hours late morning/early afternoon. I did some cooking...not very successful corn muffins but sweet and tolerant David said they would be good w/butter tomorrow morning. I'm suspicious, not of him but of his taste in muffins.

I was feeling discontent and a little "I need to get off the boat". Thought to take the dinghy into the marina but was not comfortable with the wind gusting up there into 20 knots. Sigh. The boat is small when I can't get outside on it. It was great that David was sleeping so that I, at least, had some alone time in our small space.

In the afternoon we repaired the aft port lights!!!! Hurrah! We now have four opening, ventilating port lights in the aft cabin. The opportunity to expire from bad air while sleeping is greatly diminished! Repaired rather than replaced. A mere $10 or so rather than who knows how much to replace even if we could find replacement windows which was VERY iffy. David, my hero, and I helped...and I scrapped more varnish off the rails.

Friends from boat next door came over for a visit and Lori got to pet Amelia. Lori is missing her cats that are boarding in their own home in Maryland. I'm hoping Lori and Clint don't leave for long this week. I'm enjoying their company next boat. She and I have a yoga date tomorrow morning.

Then the Super Bowl game on David's i-Pad. There went the boat battery but, hey, it was the super bowl. I was routing for the Panthers but was happy for Peyton Manning that the Broncos won. What a generous and skillful quarterback he is.

Dick and Nora arrived at their campground and we'll see them tomorrow for lunch...after yoga.

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