Tuesday, February 16, 2016

2/15/16  Presidents' Day  Boot Key/Marathon, FL

We stayed on the boat all day today...until dinner w/the Tryons around 5:00 PM (1700, I need to practice). So boat/home improvement projects on this beautiful, warm, breezy day. Apologies to all friends who weren't having a beautiful, warm, breezy day.

Posting/uploading is really slow tonight so I'll be brief...maybe so many people on vacation and using the internet, maybe electro-magnetic field from the radio towers we're under (!).

Home improvements - another rail scraped and sanded (David); a different rail oiled (me); we read aloud from the book Sharyl gave us for Christmas, we can only read it during the day because of the potential for violence in it but a really interesting read; I read from my "own" book, too; we did a project together but for the life of me I don't remember what it was. Vacation mind.
Met our new next door boat neighbors, Fred and Ruth Ann from somewhere in MD are waiting for a Bahamas weather window. So are we but we're waiting so that people will leave and we'll get a mooring.

Amelia has been throwing up undigested food. I'm thinking, no food as soon as we get back from being gone for hours and many small portions. Perhaps the nervousness or excitement causes her to gobble. Disconcerting, though, to have a sick kitty. She behaves fine, doesn't appear to be low energy or ill. Just throws up.

Lovely dinner tonight at a fish place across from marina.

two photos from our most recent trip to Key West that I'd forgot I took. These at the Art and History Museum that we didn't go in (yet) as we were there after hours.

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