Thursday, February 11, 2016

2/10/16    Wednesday      Boot Key/Marathon, FL

Stumbled out of bed and off the boat this morning without a clear pathway into the day. Yoga was the first but what then...shower? back to boat for lunch w/Nora? wait for Lori to shower and dinghy her back? opps, forgot my computer? Ended up having great chats with yoga buddies, one from Asheville, NC another from Brunswick, ME. As friend, Lori, says, it just takes time to meet people and then it's time to leave. Bummer! And Lori and Clint are leaving tomorrow. Sigh.

Dick and David did errands and laundry (well, David forgot to put it in got done) and worked on the electricity in the van/bus/camper. Nora and I set ourselves with our computers in the cruisers lounge...that large warehouse room...and did some homework - Nora worked on the UMA Journal and I cleaned up my email and desktop (organizing, the triple capricorn's delight) and looked at some info about grant applications and language for Freeport Players.

Our men re-joined us and we took off to their campsite to...put the laundry in and have dinner at this lovely Sunset Grill just at the end of Vaca Key. Reasonable prices. Great view though the sunsetting was hidden by clouds, great company, good music. The Grill has a warmed swimming pool for customers to drink/eat and swim. If only it would get warm enough to swim!

Home to the boat without incident of needing to be towed tonight. Stars brilliant. And did I mention the star field made by all the anchor lights on boats in the harbor? It is stunningly beautiful. So sorry a photo isn't available. Doubt I could get one that would do the view justice.

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