Friday, February 12, 2016

2/12/16     Friday     Boot Key/Marathon, FL

Quick! Before my computer runs out of battery.

Photos from yesterday at the Dolphin Research Center:
walking on its tail

lizard or iguana? whatever, impressive basking in the sun
New to me yoga teacher this morning did more stretching than strengthening. Since strength is what I'm likely to lose I'll probably not attend many of her classes. Met Dick and Nora to have lunch w/one of Dick's fraternity brothers who lives a couple of Keys farther toward Key West. Interesting man, way more conservative than anyone I think I know. He will vote for Trump even though he thinks he (Trump) is crazy. I thing he (Dick's frat bro) is crazy but kept that comment to myself during lunch. And he (frat bro) thinks cutting off immigration would be fine until.... Oh woe! And he (frat bro) is such a delight to spend time with.

After lunch Nora and I were dropped off at their camp site where Nora painted and I read...our first down time since we usually are doing something. David and Dick went shopping. Nora and I went to the camp site beach which was delightful. We also watched the pelicans beg from the folks who were cleaning fish at the dock.

David and Dick returned just as Nora and I returned and opened a bottle of wine. Perfect timing. A light dinner with them and we returned to the boat around 7:30. Calm breeze. Warm temperatures.
Gentle day.

I've described before the star field of anchor lights in the Marathon City Harbor. The photo doesn't come close to doing this view justice. It is soooooooo beautiful. But here is what my phone can record. Put the intensity of that ban of spots in the entire photo field and you might come close to the view in your imagination.

Kitty has forgiven me being gone since 9:30 this morning. She snoozes at my side.

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