Monday, February 8, 2016

2/8/16   Monday    Boot Key, FL

8:18 PM and I'm straining to stay awake. What a lovely, long day of fun. Yoga this morning. I dinghy-ed in with Lori, my next-boat neighbor. Good yoga class. We met Dick & Nora around 11:30 this morning, lunched, went to the beach, checked out Crane Point for a visit tomorrow (then I can talk about what Crane Point. I know that the Bird Recovery Center I might volunteer for is there but no idea what else is. The Tryons and we talked about renting a paddle board for the day for the four of us to share. Sounds like a good plan to me. That way none of us is out a lot of money if we don't enjoy or can't manage the activity. Took a short ride - whoa, riding in a car at 35 mph is exciting after months of water travel at max 8 mph/knots - to their campground and had a light dinner before they brought us back to the food store and our marina. A very full, very fun day. Looking forward to more adventures w/them tomorrow. AND the wind dropped off today so it was much more pleasant to be outside. We left kitty alone all day. She came out on the deck this morning while David and I were having coffee there.

So, pet the cat and get me to bed!

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