Wednesday, February 24, 2016

2/24/16      Wednesday        Bot Key/Marathon, FL

I told David, "This is not the truth but right now...I HATE sailing." "And this isn't even sailing," he said. "Then I hate BOATING," said I.

This was as we untethered ourselves from the mangroves, pulled the slimy lines on board, lifted the anchors which were muddy and slimy, while being chewed on my MILLIONS of no-see-ums. It took an hour and it sucked. David was similarly slimy and bug eaten, more than I was since he was in the mangroves. He's just afraid to vent, having to keep the good face on ALL the boating adventures, fearing I'll bail...which I won't. But these freaking little bugs are the worst.

But here we are, in the city...well, the suburbs, on a mooring along with about 250 other boats. We're quite a bit closer to the marina (a 6 minute dinghy ride - so close we went in for showers around 7:00 PM since coming back in the dark is not such a big deal in the mooring field). And now we're part of the anchor light star field that I've enjoyed so much in our evening dinghy travels.

Suburb neighbors
David had Alex (SeaTek) come out and make a proposal about our solar panels which don't seem to be providing much power these days. Alex looks about 17 but is probably 25 or more, cute as a button and apparently very smart about electricity and boats. He's been living on his boat off the grid for eight years and this is his business - SeaTek. He was great. And...chaching! The sound of dollars leaving our account and going into his. So next week we'll have a new solar panel and more juice going into our batteries and not have to run the smelly, loud engine every other day to charge batteries. Big bill but we're going for it. The refrigeration will have to wait.

In early today to do the laundry and shower before yoga. Then met David and we went on our bicycles, out for lunch. Back at the marina, a wonderful spotting of 3 iguanas in the bushes beside the dinghy docks.
This one was bright green - 18-20" long
This one more green/black
last 2 photos were in a sort of stand off on branches facing each other
these last two are a bit fatter and about 2+ feet long w/tails
Then back to address moving Grace.  We're delighted to be in the 'burbs, knowing it will make it easier to leave and come back - a short "release the mooring" event rather than an hour of disentangling ourselves from mangroves w/bugs. There are some bugs (no-see-ums) here but not as many. I'm confident we'll enjoy our 2-3 weeks here. And we're expecting our Nova Scotia buddies next week. Already it feels like we're in a neighborhood here, easier access to other people as well as the marine. We met Mary and Mark from the SV Marathon, one boat on the diagonal.

A front is coming through tonight. Some relief from the muggy weather of the past couple of days. To be clear, I'm not complaining about the 80+ degree weather or the humidity. But will enjoy a cool night or two and a little rain to wash off our decks.

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