Monday, February 22, 2016

2/22/16         Monday        Boot Key/Marathon, FL

David writes:

Another good day anchored in Sister Creek, where we are surrounded by mangroves,  where the no see ems come out when the wind is calm and sailors pray for a breeze!  These no see ems are smaller than their Maine cousins and march right through the no see em screening on our boat. So, we light citranenna (sp?) candles, spray ourselves with bug spray, pull the sheets over our heads and pray for a breeze!

Mind you, it is usually not all that bad except at sunset and sunrise, and wayyyyyy better than shoveling (or fearing) snow.

We are finally down to two on the wait list for a mooring ball in the Boot Key Harbor controlled by Marathon City Marina.

So, if other sailors take this Easterly and South Easterly to try to get to the Bahamas, we will have a mooring ball tomorrow!
This means pulling up three anchors and five lines we have tied to the mangroves. All are slimy with growth from the past two weeks plus, as well as the muddy sand of the anchors. So cleaning up the lines, drying and stowing will be our next (gladly) project.  Any suggestions on how to get the Florida goo off the lines that have been in the water is greatly appreciated.

Here at Boot Key, there is a "net" that takes place at 9 am daily on Channel 68.
The topics are Intro by Net controller, often followed by weather outlook, followed by agenda for net: new arrivals check in, departing cruisers check out, announcements and info about the area, then buy sell or trade, followed by trivia where people try to stump the net listerner's with a nautical trivia questions.

Recently, someone has been "stomping" on the net  by clicking on their VHF radio while others are passing traffic, thus  making their voice message un-readable. It has been pretty distressing to realize one person can mess up this community based network. The community is reaching out to the town, county and FCC to see what can be done to stop this illegal disruption. More to follow.        

Lastly: Observation from friend in Kennebunkport: The Sombrero Beach Public Park is open to one and all with many free parking places and lots of open access to beach and pavilions as well as exercise equipment, vollyball courts, etc.

This creates an inviting environment for visitors and locals as well, understanding that if the locals and visitors are happy they will stay and spend money to support the economy.  What is wrong with Maine, one wonders, that beaches are being cut off from public access and local land owners throw visitors off?

Interesting question that Florida appears to embrace tourism and Maine, in that area, appears to simply see visitors as a group to pull money off of. Hmmmmm?

To be fair: In Florida: several well to do land owners have apparently bought the attention of their legislators on the East Coat and have submitted legislation to the Fla Legislature prohibiting anchoring in the federally protected areas where cruisers anchor to prepare to cross to the Bahamas. Rememeber, that we are waiting for a mooring ball because others who wish to cross are stalled? Imagine someone with the power to say: NIMBY to a legitimate  cruiser who wants to safely wait for a good weather window to pass. Is this NIMBY person responsible if that cruiser makes a bad decision   because they were tired and wanted to rest/sleep  but a new law said they could not stop?

I hope someone is held responsible!

Anyway, for now we are good, waiting for a mooring  ball and the wind is blowing so the no see ems are
 at bay!
 A beautiful day in Marathon Bay!

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