Wednesday, January 10, 2018

warming sun

Norfolk, VA

Still here...and what a lovely day it was. outside on the deck by 10 AM in shirt sleeves and my vest. No socks. Yes, shoes. Put the new sail covers on Grace.

Did some inside straightening...but no vacuuming, maybe tomorrow...after dance class or/and studio time. If I make it to class it will be the first technique class I've had since August and before that it was more than a year. That will probably be a humbling experience. Bring your smiles and  patience.

Oh dear. I'm falling asleep. I'll continue tomorrow.

1/9/18 continued...

What a full couple of days...continuing from yesterday.  "House" projects included the new sail covers and the lovely Grace sans snow (below) . We also started clearing the aft deck. Folded up the tarp that had protected out stuff from snow and put the folding bikes back in their proper places.
Around noon I hiked up to the Breezeway for a shower. Yumm and a bit of t.v. - not so yum but not awful. Had a cat pet with Snackles whose real name is Shackles but he loves snacks, thus his nickname. A bit lacking in modesty, per photo below. He's a big bruiser of a cat, indoor/ outdoor but has a small bed on the counter that he completely fills up. Causes me to think Amelia's bed (thank you, Lynne) is really too big for her.

David and I took a driving trip to the Restaurant Depot where we just looked. A restaurant supply house with everything from wine stoppers to major cook stoves to frozen whole lambs. Dick Tryon would have been in heaven. Later the friend who told us about it said they also have a section we didn't see that has tanks of lobsters in various sizes.

Onward to (shame!) Walmart looking for a smaller kitty litter pan. Settled on a large dish pan and will try that tomorrow. Then to West Marine to buy a needed cable for the second navigation station. We were gone a while which makes me nervous, having the car so long. However, we are the only transients and have been assured that we are the only ones using the marina car. Soooo.......  Back at the marina a small group was cooking dinner in the Breezeway. I made cousin Patsy's great chocolate dessert she turned me onto at Christmas. Pretzel squares, topped with  Rollos, a quick softening in the oven, topped with a pecan half, cooled. Delicious. I over softened this first batch but that didn't harm the taste. My Rollos were individually wrapped so all of us awaiting dinner got involved with the unwrapping and "centering" the candy on the pretzels. Group activity.


Overslept! Which wouldn't even be a thing except that I wanted to get to DANCE CLASS! My first in how many months...years? Up out of bed. Teeth. Hair. cheese and bread. Out the door. Careful on the frosted docks. Coffee to go in the Breezeway Cafe'. Directions on the phone.

Made it into downtown Norfolk to Todd Rosenlieb Dance studio but the front door is locked. Yikes! A young (everyone is young these days) dancer came and punched in the secret code and I was in, too. Danielle who'd helped me on the phone yesterday greeted me and introduced me to her 10 week old son, Landon. I'm the only one signed up for the modern class. She assumed the teacher would arrive but if not did I want to take ballet. No. I'll just have some studio time. Teacher did not show. Found out later her pipes had frozen. I wiggled around in the studio by myself in the most satisfactory way - stretched, meditated, balanced, walked, into floor and back to standing and traveling, massaged my feet on tennis ball...delicious, even sweated a small amount. Todd came in and we had a warm greeting and chat. We know each other from my Bates Dance Festival days and the Regional High School Dance Festival which his studio helps host in Norfolk.

David picked me up at agreed upon time and we went to the Chrysler Museum of Art. Watched a glass blowing demonstration via closed circuit t.v. then toured the glass exhibition. I appreciated the skill in all the pieces but LOVED this one: 

All GLASS. The delicate ribs of the moth wings. The tiny nerve threads of the jellyfish. All the muted color. Everything glass except the stuffed owl. I especially loved this one, too, because of the nature/science aspect. The artist is Danish, Steffen Dam.

After the glass galleries I took some time in the Contemporary galleries. Much more to see than time allowed. Some weavings that so tickle my fancy. All the tedious work that went into making a wall hanging about 6' x 4' of 1" squares of linen stitched together to make a fringed wavy something that was gold and red! Oh my!

A painting of Jefferson with added 3rd dimension beard of strips of fabric with writing depicting the ledger of his household slaves.  By Titus Kaphar

And my art on the hoof outside the museum is below. The museum is wonderful and much larger than possible to see in one or two visits. Definitely a place to visit on any return to Norfolk. And it is free. Donations appreciated.

Home to Grace after a stop for gas and a grocery or two. A nap then David started installing our two new batteries. Should have done the installation before naps. Had to disconnect all the electricity, of course. Getting dark. No light. Good thing we both have head lamps. Finished. Did not blow up the boat! That Captain Webster is so very clever and smart and careful. Good qualities, all. Electric light restored so the oil lamp can be extinguished. Dinner of yesterdays leftovers.

WOW! What a busy couple of days.


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