Monday, January 8, 2018

plotting and planning

Norfolk, VA

Meditated this morning. A few house-keeping tasks then to the Breezeway to consult with David about leaving...when. We plotted our route from Norfolk to the mouth of North Landing River, the opening into Albemarle Sound. Then we plotted choices: straight through to Alligator River or to Manteo and Hatteras? How many stops? How many hours of travel? How many bridges or locks? What are the bridges schedules? What's frozen? Are the locks open?

The exercise is good for our brains but after 2 hours I was DONE. And few decisions can be made...except to wait because we don't know how frozen everything is and when it will thaw. We do know that the Gilmerton Bridge is operating again - good! - and that the canal in front of Coinjock Marina is frozen solid. Not sure how wide but frozen nevertheless. So, we won't leave until that is thawed. Maybe early next week. Aaaarrrrghhhhh. But a pleasant Aaaaa....... "Content in our discontentment", eh?! Not so sure today.

At the lovely Potluck in the Breezeway tonight when asked how I was "I'm bored and my skin is drying up. Otherwise, fine." And that's about it. So bored, in fact, that I emailed Todd, acquaintance from Regional H.S. Dance Conference, to say I'm stranded in Norfolk, any open studio time and/or class at your studio I can use/attend. I'll call in the morning to arrange a Wednesday time. The roads will be clear enough then to drive into town, I'm sure.

Later this afternoon I went out in my shirt sleeves to shovel the decks, nearly completely bare now. And the dinghy is regaining her youthful figure with these warmer temps...high 20s.

I met Mason and Steve and remembered Jamie, Bebe, Chia, Debbie and Dean. among other wonderful Breezeway regulars at the potluck tonight. We ate very well.  David and I stayed late to chat with Chia and Jamie and Steve and clean up. Pretty ready for bed now. Maybe a drive tomorrow or a movie Thursday for my birthday. Maybe studio time on Wednesday? At least I'm less bored now.

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