Friday, January 5, 2018

good vibrations!

Norfolk, VA

My kidneys applaud and sigh with relief. The massive hull vibration, transferred from the engine, is gone! Newer engine mounts have done the trick! Thank you Mike, the surgeon, eh mechanic. Thank you all the other consultants who were our guides and confidants. Thank you all the mechanical gods. Thank you, David, for persevering.

Otherwise, a really cold day but bright and beautiful sun. I had a shower. Dale, the dock master, drove me to the food store so I could get cat food...and a few other things. David and I cooked up in the Breezeway and watched t.v.  anything to get off the boat. The clean-up and reorganization will happen tomorrow.

Missing friends and conversation and sooooo relieved that the engine mounts have done the job we wanted them to do.

Two photos for fun:

Grilled snow!

And Amelia's pillow.

Hope all our Maine friends and family are warm and shoveled out.

Happy birthday to cousin, Patsy, in Winston-Salem, NC.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the vibration is gone. Hope it's smooth sailing from here on..

    Mike & Landon
