Tuesday, January 30, 2018

back in the canal-ICW

McClellanville, SC

A joy to revisit this small town with its "creek" lined with shrimp boats. I'd forgot that the docks were aluminum but do remember on our first visit here we met Dana and Craig when their cat tried to escape. Wonder where they are now? Wait, they are living between Bangor and Ellsworth, having left their boat in NY. David saw them when he was there this past October. Oh my.

We left Georgetown around 8:30 this morning. Wind and current was more fierce than we wanted but inside the river we weren't too concerned. Just needed to find the entrance to the dug part of the ICW, off the river. 

Kind of hard to see the entrance. That little red triangle on a post. Even in this photo you can see the mud being kicked up by the current and wind.

We're in low country so the vistas are rather broad. I like the little round puff cloud in the photo left. Following yesterday's discoveries about this area being filled with rice plantations in the 1800 I kept wondering if any of these tall grasses were the off-spring of rice. Probably not since fresh water was needed.

We learned about "trunk gates" yesterday that controlled the flow of water into the rice paddies. At right is a modern version of a trunk gate. Pretty sure there is no rice paddie on the other side but clear that this controls water.

Lots of sky and water and tall grass today. Refreshingly bright and open after 2 days of clouds and being in a "city", small as it was.

Because of the falling tide and cautions regarding shoaling, we took a rest break in the South Santee River. The chart plotter design at left documents our anchoring efforts (the little squiggles) and our success (big black area). We were basically in one place for about 2 hours. Good anchor! I read. David repaired a radio speaker which we are currently enjoying.

Easy continuing with only 2 hours to our destination and there was lots of water under our keel, 7+ feet with spots up to 15'.

This day has really been so beautiful. And, as noted, I loved coming back into McClellanville and seeing the shrimp boats lined up. We're nose to nose (bow to bow) with a really big pleasure boat. I'll try to get a photo tomorrow, and of the shrimp boats.

Heard from friends Peter and Mary who are maybe 3 days behind us. Looking forward to catching up with them, or them catching up with us, soon.

Looking forward to seeing the Blue Blood Moon partial eclipse tomorrow morning before we leave. I tried this morning but was a day early. 

Life is good. I am blessed.

Now, ready for the SOTU address (a small eye roll).

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